In order to implement the server side logic following technology stacks are used:
1. Hosting Environment - AWS EC2 Linux Instance
2. MQTT Broker - Mosquitto
3. Server - Node.js
4. Webservice Framework - Express
5. WebApp Front End - Angular + Bootstrap
6. Database - MongoDB
6. MQTT Client - PAHO javascript client
Follow the step by step procedure as listed in the below link
2a. Connect to EC2 instance using putty.
2b. Execute the below commands to set up the mosquitto broker in EC2 instance
1. Hosting Environment - AWS EC2 Linux Instance
2. MQTT Broker - Mosquitto
3. Server - Node.js
4. Webservice Framework - Express
5. WebApp Front End - Angular + Bootstrap
6. Database - MongoDB
6. MQTT Client - PAHO javascript client
1. Getting Started with AWS
Follow the step by step procedure as listed in the below link
2. MQTT Broker
2a. Connect to EC2 instance using putty.
2b. Execute the below commands to set up the mosquitto broker in EC2 instance
sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/home:oojah:mqtt.repo
sudo yum install mosquitto mosquitto-pub mosquitto-sub
sudo service mosquitto start
3. Node Server
3a. npm is the package management service for node.js. Execute the below command to install nodejs and npm on the ec2-instancesudo yum install nodejs npm --enablerepo=epel
3b. Follow to below tutorial to get up and running with the MEAN stack development
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