As we know many of the software and hardware applications are of event based type,Which means when breakdown event occurs then application react.But our application is predictive.
Uniqueness and use of this application are:
1.This is a predictive and also this will help user before break down occurs and also the same data will be stored in the cloud. to further analyse about the condition of the vehicle.
2.This application wont require any user input from user .
Issues faced :
1.While using Java programming to interact with the Hardwarefor reading the values from the sensors especially when using distance measurement sensor(these sensors use transceivers) because of sleep time. So we prefer to use Python script/C programme to interact with sensors.
2.While Reading GPS coordinates
GPS receiver module must be of high accurate and if there is a mistakes in GPS device driver installation and also in installing pynmea drivers we faced the too many problems.
So be careful while choosing GPS module and in installing the drivers.
3.In client side : when clients are listening to particular topic and when server sends the values then all the clients registered to the topic were getting the information.