NOOBS (New Out Of the Box Software)
NOOBS is an easy operating system install manager for the Raspberry Pi.We have followed steps mentioned in the below link to Manually install NOOBS on new SD card
Link :
Installing Pi4J on Raspberry Pi
We have followed below steps to install Pi4J on Rasperrypi manually1. Downloaded the latest Pi4J Debian/Raspian installer package (.deb) file to local computer from below link
Link :
2. Transferred downloaded file from Local system to Raspberry pi using FileZilla Software.
DownLoaded FileZilla from source:
3. Steps to transfer using FileZilla software
i. Launch FileZilla and go to File > Site manager
ii. Entered IP address of the Raspberry pi (using command : sudo hostname -I )
iii. Enter usename and password (By Default UserName:pi Password: raspberry)
iv. Select Protocol as SFTP (else it may throw unable to connect exception)
v. Click on Connect
4. Once transfer of the *.deb file completes, execute below command in command line to install the Pi4J on Raspberry pi
sudo dpkg -i pi4j-1.0.debs
Please note: if Pi4 already installed it is mandatory to uninstall before installing newer version
Kura Installation on Raspberry pi
We are using latest version of kura V1.3.0To install Kura with its dependencies on the Raspberry Pi, perform the following steps:
For installing kura, Pi Must contains latest version of java (preferred : JDK8 ).
1. To check whether Java installed or not use below command and you will get which version of JAVA installed
sudo java –version
If it is not installed use following command to install Latest Java version
sudo apt-get install java
2. Once we have latest java version, download Kura Debian/Raspian installer package (.deb) file from the below link
Link :
3. To install kura use below command
sudo dpkg -i <name of the *.deb file > ##dpkg will complain about missing dependencies
sudo apt-get install -f
4. Reebot Raspberyy pi
sudo reboot
5. After reboot enter URL in the Browser of Pi and kura will ask user name and password(by default UserName: admin and password: admin)
and also we can use command tail -f /var/log/kura.log to check logs related to Kura.
6. Once Kura running on local machine we can access the same on Different client by entering the IP address of the Raspberry pi followed by /kura something as below.
Eg: IP address of the then use
7. To stop kura service if required use command : killall java hostapd named dhcpd
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